For Immediate Release
Date: May 02, 2022


Communications Director
6032712121 |

State Releases Additional Details Regarding InvestNH Housing Fund

Concord, NH – On Friday, April 29, NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs Commissioner Taylor Caswell provided an informational packet to members of New Hampshire’s Executive Council to address questions they raised at the April 20, 2022 Executive Council meeting and provide them with additional details surrounding Governor Chris Sununu’s historic $100M InvestNH Housing Fund.

“I appreciate Commissioner Caswell providing additional details to Executive Councilors with plenty of time ahead of their meeting this week,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “The details released by the state make it clear that these funds will have defined guardrails, ensuring housing gets built for those who need it most. I am hopeful the Councilors agree with this urgent need -- our workforce, businesses, and communities are counting on us to make these investments, and time is of the essence.”

Note: A copy of the informational packet with details about each of the four grant programs, statistics, and FAQs can be read here.