For Immediate Release
Date: April 02, 2021


Communications Director
6032712121 |

A Historic Week for New Hampshire: 150,000 Appointments Scheduled

Concord, NH – Today, as New Hampshire expanded vaccine registration eligibility to all New Hampshire residents 16+, the state capped off a week of registration that saw nearly 150,000 appointments scheduled.

Over 42,000 appointments for those 16+ had been scheduled as of 3:00 PM today.

“This was a historic week here in New Hampshire that marks an incredible milestone in our fight against COVID-19, with nearly 150,000 vaccination appointments scheduled in a single week,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “The light at the end of the tunnel is well within sight. The COVID-19 vaccine is our shot to get back to normal, and we encourage all Granite Staters to do their part and sign up for an appointment today.”

To date, over 450,000 first doses have been administered, with over 227,000 Granite Staters now fully vaccinated – nearly 17% of the state’s population.

Individuals are encouraged to regularly check VINI ( and reschedule for earlier appointments as they become available.