For Immediate Release
Posted: March 20, 2018


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Governor Sununu Statement on CACR22

Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement following the Senate Judiciary Committee's decision to stand with victims of crime and vote CACR22 out of committee:

"I want to commend the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for standing with victims of crime and passing CACR22 out of committee with a strong bi-partisan vote," said Governor Chris Sununu. "When victims of crime find the strength to come forward and engage in the criminal justice process, we must ensure that they have basic constitutional rights and protections in place. Victims of crime deserve equal rights – the same rights as defendants and those convicted. No more, no less. I encourage the State Senate to continue this expression of support for our victims of crime and send Marsy's Law to the New Hampshire House of Representatives with a strong bi-partisan vote."