For Immediate Release
Posted: October 16, 2017


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Governor Sununu, Insurance Commissioner Sevigny Letter on CSRs, Support for Collins-Nelson Healthcare Bill

Concord, NH – Please find a letter from Governor Chris Sununu and New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner Roger Sevigny to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments and support for "The Lower Premiums Through Reinsurance Act of 2017," a bipartisan measure sponsored by Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Senator Bill Nelson (D-Florida). Excerpts from Governor Sununu and Commissioner Sevigny's letter are pasted below:

"We write today to urge Congress to take two important steps to help states stabilize individual health insurance markets:…

(1) Restore funding for the cost-sharing reduction payments for FY2017, FY2018 and until Congress acts to revise the Affordable Care Act

(2) Pass S. 1835 (the Lower Premiums through Reinsurance Act of 2017), a bipartisan measure sponsored by Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Bill Nelson (D-Florida) in a version that provides states sufficient funding and flexibility to further stabilize their markets. Five governors, three Republicans and two Democrats, have also supported this approach and it is consistent with the principles of federalism. The average 2018 rate increase for New Hampshire citizens buying their health coverage on our exchange is estimated to be 52% for those who are not eligible for a subsidy. More than a quarter of participants in New Hampshire's individual market pay full premium for their health insurance…

S. 1835 has the potential to facilitate New Hampshire's efforts to stabilize our individual market through reinsurance mechanisms and invisible high-risk pools. This legislation is a fiscally conservative approach that enables states to stand up their own reinsurance programs quickly and keeps costs to the federal government to a minimum. We hope New Hampshire's Congressional Delegation will join this effort…

"For these reasons, and because a large number of New Hampshire citizens rely on the individual market to obtain their health insurance coverage, we urge you to take immediate action to: (1) fully fund CSR payments until the ACA is reformed, as Congressional appropriation of CSR funding resolves the constitutional questions and addresses the stated reason President Trump is ending the payments; and (2) pass S. 1835 in a version that provides states sufficient funding and flexibility to help offset the cost of high-risk enrollees and bring more certainty to the market. These steps, along with efforts at the administrative level to reduce regulatory burdens and promote state flexibility, will help stem the tide of increasing premiums and market withdrawals. While S. 1835 does not address all of the problems within the ACA, it is a useful tool to bridge the gap to reform."