For Immediate Release
Date: July 30, 2021


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu Signs 23 Bills Into Law, Vetoes 2

Concord, NH – Please see below for a list of 23 bills signed into law by Governor Chris Sununu this week:

  • HB 15, An act relative to including under the meals and room tax facilitators of Internet transactions of motor vehicle rentals and facilitators of Internet transactions of room occupancies
  • HB 69, An act relative to the authority of schools to display the national and state mottos
  • HB 101, An act relative to the close of the counties books of records
  • HB 108, An act relative to minutes and decisions and nonpublic sessions; an exemption for items falling within the attorney client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine under the right to know law; and remote access to public meetings under the right to know law
  • HB 140, An act relative to private rights of action regarding pupil safety
  • HB 180, An act increasing the penalty for buyers under the law regarding trafficking in persons
  • HB 183, An act exempting persons under the age of fourteen, who are selling soft drinks on family owned or leased property, from city, town, or village district licensing requirements
  • HB 199, An act including soil health and soil conservation and the state soil conservation plan
  • HB 263, An act relative to campaign finance reform and increasing the threshold for reporting by political committees
  • HB 320, requiring a civics competency assessment as a high school graduation requirement
  • HB 373, An act relative to state participation and low carbon fuel standards programs
  • HB 411, An act establishing a commission to study the equalization rate used for the calculation of a property tax abatement by the NH board of tax and land appeals, the superior court, and all cities, towns and counties
  • HB 513, relative to the degree granting authority of Signum university and relative to the authority of the higher education commission
  • HB 518, An act relative to rebates under the law governing unfair insurance practices
  • HB 566, An act relative to the discussion and disclosure of minutes from a nonpublic session under the right to know law
  • HB 581, relative to the burden of proof in special education hearings and establishing a committee to study special education IEP and dispute resolution processes
  • SB 18, An act permitting tastings by liquor manufacturers at farmers markets
  • SB 27, An act relative to the sale of lucky 7 tickets
  • SB 31, An act relative to voter checklists and modifying and absentee ballot affidavit
  • SB 74, An act relative to advance directives for health care decisions
  • SB 89, An act adopting omnibus legislation relative to election procedures
  • SB 142, An act reestablishing the commission to study the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder in first responders and reestablishing the commission to study grand families in NH
  • SB 149, An act adopting omnibus legislation on health and human services
  • This week, Governor Sununu also vetoed HB 98, an act relative to the date of the state primary election, and HB 242, an act relative to the content of an adequate education.

A copy of the HB 98 veto messages can be found here.

A copy of the HB 242 veto messages can be found here.