For Immediate Release
Date: November 15, 2023


Communications Director
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The Freest State: New Hampshire Tops Rankings for Economic, Overall Freedoms

Concord, NH –Today, the Cato Institute released its seventh biennial Freedom in the 50 States report, in which New Hampshire once again tops the rankings as the #1 state in the United States for overall freedoms. In a separate report released by the Fraser Institute, New Hampshire also ranks #1 for economic freedom.

"Once again, New Hampshire is setting the model for the rest of the country for how government efficiency allows for individuals, families, and businesses to thrive, " said Governor Chris Sununu. "The proof is in the pudding: when you cut taxes, spend money wisely, and slash overbearing, burdensome regulations like we've done in New Hampshire, freedom and the economy flourish. "

"The Granite State has maintained its number-one ranking in this edition and even improved absolutely, " according to the Freedom in the 50 States report. "It could be a challenge for rivals to catch New Hampshire next time because of policy changes in 2021 in a pro-freedom direction, including tax cuts and the passage of the education freedom accounts program. "

The Fraser report highlights government efficiency as a crown jewel to New Hampshire's overall economic success and a driver of economic growth in the state.

"Relative to other states, New Hampshire's state government does not spend much while still providing adequate services for taxpayers, " writes Adam Millsap. "Meanwhile, California's government spending score is half of New Hampshire's and the Golden State's overall rank is 48th."

According to the Freedom in the 50 States report, New Hampshire also ranks #1 for economic freedom, #2 for fiscal freedom, and #2 for education freedom.

A copy of the Freedom in the 50 States report can be found here.

A copy of the Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of North America 2023 report can be found here.